Zombie tsunami a sidescrolling running game. I've been bored with temple run copycats, this runner gives a breath of fresh air into the genre. It doesn't follow the standard behind the back camera POV but rather more of the classic Super Mario View, however like running games, you ( the zombie (s)) doesn't stop nor slow down, going faster and faster, avoiding the obstacles along the way.

You start with one zombie and run around a ruined city, encountering different obstacles such as bombs and cars. The game's premise is that you as the zombie would try to get/infect as many people as possible. When you catch a human, it transforms into another zombie which stacks up to form a zombie horde. A larger horde allows you to get to people inside cars (takes four zombies to break open), bus (8 zombies) and airplanes (16 zombies). Furthermore more zombies increase your chance of survival since "game over" happens  when all zombies have been destroyed by bombs, run over by a vehicle (or a helicopter), or fall down pits.

Its fun game, a picture speaks a thousand words so see for yourself

After consuming a few unlucky humans, zombie horde has grown

 Zombies on a stroll
Zombies are trying to get to a poor human inside a stranded car
Did I mention ninja zombies???

Ninja zombies is real cool, so cool I'm just gonna go ahead and call this guys NinBies :D, I actually pity the poor guy on the right crying for help, but not for long, since his fruitless boring life is gonna be replaced with sheer awesome as he joins my horde of NinBies! Bombs? no problem... just slice 'em, cars? just slice 'em,,, airplanes, slice! choppers, slice! hehe life is good when life is all slice, slice, slice... 

And yeah they have giant laser firing zombies... it just gets better and better, I ain't gonna spoil everything. If you like what you see, see more yourself, install the game and get ready to ride on the tsunami, the zombie way...

1 comment:

  1. Artikel yang cukup rinci membantu pengguna dengan mudah menangkap dan dapat mengalami, Anda dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang permainan di game zombie tsunami gratis
